Real Radio App Landing Page

We make it simple for brands to sell their products and for customers to purchase products.

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Easy To Use

Clear navigation leading to each step in the app to improve customer experience and encourage them to continue using it.

Stay Updated

Keep track of all your orders with ease and become notified when we have exclusive offers and discounts.

24/7 Support

Our support technicians work around the clock to bring you responsive and reliable support 24/7.

Real Radio Features

Search Options

Fastest route to find exactly what you need.

Push notifications

Receive alerts about upcoming offers and updates of your orders.

Friendly online support

FAQ’s , Live Chats and support emails are always available to get in touch with customer representatives.

Free updates forever

Regular updates to fix bugs adds more features to the app to fulfill user needs.


Sign in and Sign up forms for login.

Sales and Discounts

Exclusive deals and seasonal discounts to keep customers engaged..

Get The App Now !

That’s right, what are you waiting for? You’ve come this far, the only thing left to do is to get yourself over to the App Store or Google PlayStore and download Montjat today.

Contact with us

Our team is happy to assist you at any time. Fill out the contact form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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